Transaction Management and Coordination

Buried in paperwork?  Feeling overwhelmed? Tired of managing all the timelines, and receipts that go along with your transactions? Ready to get back to cultivating your pipeline of leads, corresponding with clients, attending listing appointments and showing properties?

Jamie is here to help! Let Jamie manage your transactions, create your timelines, coordinate and schedule events so you can get back to business (or the beach).
Jamie is an organized, efficient, experienced agent who can lend a hand and make your work load lighter. Experienced agents know that paperwork is what bogs you down and ties you to the computer when you could be working with more clients. New agents who are just getting started can receive support as they learn how to manage a transaction.
 Virtual Assistant services include transaction management & coordination, marketing for listings, social media set up as well as custom programs to allow you to be more efficient and effective at what you do best!

Looking forward to working with you!